La bibbia in ebraico interlineare
La bibbia in ebraico interlineare

la bibbia in ebraico interlineare la bibbia in ebraico interlineare

GREENSPAHN, Frederick E., An Introduction to Aramaic. 205 pages VAN VOORST, Robert E., Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary (Resources for Biblical Study 43 Atlanta, GA: Society of Biblical Literature, 1999, 22001, 32016). HOFFNER Jr., translator, Akkadian Grammar (Resources for Biblical Study 30 ). HOLMES, Michael W., The Greek New Testament: SBL Edition (Atlanta, GA: Society of Biblical Literature, 2010). TROBISCH, David, A User’s Guide to the Nestle-Aland 28 Greek New Testament (Text-Critical Studies 9 Atlanta, GA: Society of Biblical Literature, 2013). BENZ, Brendon C., The Land Before the Kingdom of Israel: A History of the Southern Levant and the People Who Populated It (History, Archaeology, and Culture of the Levant 7 Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2016).

la bibbia in ebraico interlineare

SEITZ, Christopher R., Joel (ITC - International Theological Commentary London: T&T Clark, 2016). MILLS, Mary E., Jeremiah: An Introduction and Study Guide: Prophecy in a Time of Crisis (T&T Clark’s Study Guides to the Old Testament London: T&T Clark, 2017). Sito: Oppure: MILLS, Mary E., Joshua to Kings: History, Story, Theology (T&T Clark Approaches to Biblical Studies London: T&T Clark, 1999, 22006, 32016). This list is not complete and is not meant to correspond to the exigencies of specialists. This list of new books is meant to notify students in biblical exegesis of the publication of some and only some interesting monographs and commentaries. La lista non è completa ed è compilata secondo le esigenze non di un pubblico di specialisti, bensì di studenti in esegesi biblica.

la bibbia in ebraico interlineare

LCUNI LIBRI NUOVI E INTERESSANTI La lista ha come scopo di far conoscere solo alcuni libri che sono giudicati più interessanti per lo studio e la ricerca.

La bibbia in ebraico interlineare